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Money Matters

How easy -- or hard -- would it be for someone else to understand how you manage your finances? Let's get the "money stuff" in order this week.

This week’s task is to gather your financial information (you’ve already collected all your household accounts and property information, so it shouldn’t be shocking that we’re now going to do the same for all our financial accounts.)

Your financial information will includes all the “ins” -- sources of income and savings as well as the “outs” -- the debts and obligations.


List basic account information (but NOT account passwords) like this: 

Account Information

Name of Institution

Phone Number

Account Type

Sole Ownership? (Y/N)

Account Number


Additional Account Owner Name(s)

The first time I created a list like this, I did it in a password protected Excel file that I stored in an online storage platform. 


Now, I store information in both Dashlane and my Life in Motion Guide (I use the fillable PDF version.) because I think it’s important to have a paper “roadmap” (not the full details, but enough to orient someone to your world in your absence.)

If you’d like to try it out, you can download the Finances section of Life in Motion Guide below. 

Financial Information

Download the Finances section of Life in Motion Guide for free. This printable PDF contains all the forms, checklists, and inventories you need to create a record of your "money matters."

Download this free printable, or use whatever system works for you! 

Remember what we learned last week (if you saw the progress check quiz results!): don’t wait to feel motivated to do this. 


Motivation comes from action

Get. Started.

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